Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Feesh Poached In Duck Fat!

The invite from May 2007.....
Hey Hungry Kiddies...

If you are planning to see your mom on Mother's Day, (Um, yeah. That is THIS weekend) consider dropping in to our place first. Here, you can eat and drink your way into whatever courage you will need, and no one will ask you if you picked up your room yet!

Zora is off pounding the streets of Cairo, but I have lots to celebrate (engagement, new job) and also need to use some of that 20 lbs of duck fat my butcher is storing for me! So I am thinking fish, possibly salmon, poached in duck fat, romesco potatoes, green rice, (yeah, baby! 2 starches!!!) quick pickled cucumbers, asparagus in avgolemono sauce, and watercress/parsley salad. Wash it all down with Mom's 1970 Double Chocolate Bundt Cake,. and you have a spring dinner worth hauling your ass to our house for!!